How Foundations Grant (Smarter) With MilkCrate

This funding data was collected from

This funding data was collected from

According to an industry survey the majority of foundations (84%) reported they do not successfully track impact for the grantees, resulting in a major tracking gap in the philanthropy sector. Based on a comprehensive search of grants in 2018 approximately $200 million was granted for evaluation purposes, that's less than 1% of the total grants that year. And yet, industry experts estimate that a proper program evaluation requires setting aside 10-15% of a grant, often for expensive consultant retrospective analysis. This approach is both costly, a limited snapshot, and often relies on surveying participants well after their experience is over.

One of the hallmarks of thoughtful philanthropy is the co-development of a generous gift alongside a well-designed assessment plan.
— Rockefeller Philanthropy Advisors


This challenge is why MilkCrate is so excited to now be working directly with funders as well as grantees - because there is an opportunity to shift the current approach to grant making and impact reporting. Through our platform, we are able to build mobile apps that help nonprofits run more efficient, effective and transparent programs - goals funders are always eager to see but less likely to know how to support.

While funders have not traditionally been in the practice of encouraging their grantees to use a certain approach or product, we are excited that innovation and bold leadership is paving the way for a new chapter in the philanthropy sector.

MilkCrate helps funders track their funds turning into measurable impact.

MilkCrate helps funders track their funds turning into measurable impact.


How MilkCrate Foundation Partners Help Grantees Boost & Track Impact


Capacity Building

capacity building

When nonprofits launch a MilkCrate app they are able to reduce the number of tools they use, reduce the manual entry of information, save time reaching participants - getting more done in less time.

Instant Reports

instant reports

As a program’s participants use their new app to log volunteer hours, complete activities, or record learning milestones - their user data becomes instantly visible in the admin dashboard.

Improved Program Delivery

program delivery

Whether it’s students, parents, community members, or volunteers - we are all more likely to be reached on our phones. A mobile app increases access and engagement. Read more about smartphone accessibility & equity.


Ways Foundations Are Utilizing MilkCrate


The Douty Foundation is passionate about helping grantees increase their capacity and improve impact tracking - two things that MilkCrate is excited to help them achieve.

To learn more about the Douty Foundation visit their website. And here’s our post about our partnership.


The Pincus Family Foundation is dedicated to assisting their grantees reduce staff reporting efforts, streamline reporting to the board, and increase impact tracking - goals that MilkCrate is perfectly designed to accomplish.

To learn more about the Pincus Foundation visit their website.


The Independence Blue Cross Foundation is committed to promoting innovation in the nonprofit sector and to serve unmet community health needs- two things we are doing with their grant for a new MilkCrate app client.

To learn more about the IBX Foundation visit their website.

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[T]he app can be beneficial in showing the organization which programs have the desired impact and if that impact can be successfully expanded...[and] an organization can direct its limited resources (our grants) to better their programs. In short a non profit can operate more efficiently. It can also give the organization data showing its impact that it can use when seeking additional funds from foundations and other financial stakeholders.
— MilkCrate Foundation Partner Board Chair

Ways Foundations Partner With MilkCrate


Invest In The MilkCrate Fund

In partnership with the Urban Affairs Coalition, MilkCrate has created a special fund to help nonprofits offset the costs of using our technology. Learn more here.

Invite Grantees to Webinar

webinar program

Invite your grantees to a private information session where they can see case studies that demonstrate how mobile app can improve program delivery while alleviating staff effort.

Create Restricted Grants

restricted grants

Help your grantees boost capacity by implementing a MilkCrate app for programs you are already supporting. 




Contact us at to connect with our team and discuss how MilkCrate can help your foundation’s grantees.