An App Creating a New Generation of Talented Writers

Customer Case: Mighty Writers

Sign Up for Events and Workshops

Sign Up for Events and Workshops

About Mighty Writers

Mighty Writers teaches kids ages through 17 to think clearly and write with clarity so they can achieve success at school, at work, and in life. Innovatively engaging young students through multiple in-depth educational programs, Mighty Writers knows what happens when kids begin to think clearly and write with clarity: grades improve, personalities become more upbeat and successful futures come into view.

Mighty Writers’ Challenge

Prior to having an app, it was difficult for Mighty Writers to stay consistently engaged with their student audience. Students are always on a deadline with the clock ticking, and Mighty Writers needed to be able to connect with their existing 3,300 members in the most efficient way possible while reaching out to kids in hard-pressed areas to get them on the right track for their future. With the Mighty Writers app, MilkCrate’s app provides students with a dynamic experience to keep up with their program’s lessons, to connect and share writing with other students and to access other educational resources.

How MilkCrate Helped Mighty Writers

MilkCrate developed an app to offer students the ability to participate in online workshops, hold writing competitions where users can submit, view and comment on submissions, provide information for important resources and engage new volunteers to register for events.


Client Testimonial


“Your staff is very organized and professional! The meetings were very helpful and they were so patient with us.”

- Naomi Levecchia, Development Director

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View and Respond to Writing Prompts

View and Respond to Writing Prompts

How this app helps Students

Online Workshops:  Student users can choose which programs work best for them as well as whether to work through the material at their own pace or traditional classroom style.

Event Check-Ins: Student users can view the event, schedule and sign up for appropriate courses and meetings with ease.

Student Chats: Student users can message teachers for additional academic assistance and upload their progress.

Resource Archive: Student users can view relevant past material by searching the in-app content library


How this app helps Mighty Writers Staff

Reach Students with Push Notifications: Program staff can alert student users to register for events and keep them updated with workshop scheduling and assignments.

User Data Charts: Track student user activity through charts allowing for participation data to be collected instantly.

Monitor and Track Student Users: Through actions, events, activity feed, comments and questions.

Search the In-App Research Library

Search the In-App Research Library


Questions? Fill out this form or call us 215-720-1625


The Mighty Writers app is available in the app stores for iOs and Android phones, along with other MilkCrate apps that help organizations better reach their program participants. If you are involved in a program or an organization that would like to engage and support your community - let us know! We would be thrilled to arrange a free demo of how our platform works and see how we can be of help building your organization’s app.

Morgan Berman