An App for Youth Mental Health


Customer Case: Inner Strength

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Inner Strength Mobile Home Page

Inner Strength Mobile Home Page

About Inner Strength

Inner Strength was established in 2014 to foster inner strength for outer stability in today’s youth. They provide in-school trauma-sensitive resources and whole-person wellness programs to support teens with life-changing perspectives and skillsets. Inner Strength’s goal is to empower youth to realize their higher potentials, supported by mindfulness and other innovative tools.

Inner Strengths Challenge’s

Inner Strength’s new MilkCrate mobile app allows Inner Strength to reach out to students more efficiently by providing the support they need via mobile app. Inner Strength wanted to improve students' wellbeing, including a sense of confidence and curiosity, and improve classroom climate and school culture by creating welcoming and safe learning communities for everyone’s growth and wellbeing.

How MilkCrate Helped Inner Strength

Inner Strength has partnered with MilkCrate to develop an app that allows adolescents to use mindfulness tools, participate in wellness programs to support teens with life-changing perspectives, and practice skills to improve mental health.



How This App Helps Students

Daily Check-in: Check-in feature allows students to get in tune with their emotions by doing a quick emotions survey to start off their day.

Mediation: Students have access to a selection of actions and audio recordings of soothing music and sounds that will help with the relaxation of the mind and body.

Mental Health Resources: Students have access to a variety of resources that can provide additional help if needed.

Inner Strength’s Mediation

Inner Strength’s Mediation


Admin Teams Dashboard

Admin Teams Dashboard

How this app helps Inner Strength Staff

Keep Users Engaged: Staff can now easily share information on the app and send push notifications to save them time and improve the program management experience.



Questions? Fill out this form or call us


The Inner Strength mobile app is available in the app stores for iOS and Android phones, along with other MilkCrate apps that help organizations better reach their program participants. If you are involved in a program or an organization that would like to engage and support your community - let us know! We would be thrilled to arrange a free demo of how our platform works and see how we can be of help building your organization’s app.

Morgan Berman