An App for Going Green


Customer Case: Rabbit Recycling

Rabbit Recycling Mobile Home Page

Rabbit Recycling Mobile Home Page

About Rabbit Recycling

Rabbit Recycling is a mission driven on-demand recycling service in the greater Philadelphia area that provides a convenient solution for households and businesses to recycle, reuse, and up-cycle material waste. Rabbit Recycling aims to empower people to become better stewards of the earth through their recycling program.

Rabbit Recycling Challenge’s

Prior to having an app, Rabbit Recycling held all of their information on their website but wanted these resources to be more accessible to participating households and businesses. Before launching their app, Rabbit Recycling communicated with individuals and communities through email but struggled with engagement. Their new MilkCrate app allows Rabbit Recycling to make their information more accessible and to engage with everyone.

How MilkCrate Helped Rabbit Recycling

Rabbit Recycling partnered with MilkCrate to develop an app that allows households and businesses in Philadelphia the ability to schedule pickups, go through accepted items, and get in touch with Rabbit Recycling staff.


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How This App Helps Households/Participants

Scheduling: With the mobile app, you can request a container to be dropped off at the location of your choice. Once your container is filled with recyclable items, you can request a pickup and a Rabbit Recycling driver will stop by to collect it. The app also allows you to view their calendar to see their pickup routes and calculate the best time to schedule a pickup.

Recycling List and FAQ: View the list of the 100s of unique items that are accepted at Rabbit Recycling and go through FAQ’s that may help avoid any confusions on what you can and cannot add to your container.

Feedback and Questions: The app allows participants to directly get in touch with Rabbit Recycling staff and send feedback about the process and express any questions or concerns that they may have.

Rabbit Recycling’s Resources

Rabbit Recycling’s Resources



Admin Teams Dashboard


How this app helps Rabbit Recycling Staff

Keep Users Engaged: Staff can post new information on the app and send push notifications to users to help them stay up to date!

Stay Organized: The app allows Rabbit Recycling’s Staff to use one platform to manage pickups and drop-offs, participant questions, and feedback.


Questions? Fill out this form or call us


The Rabbit Recycling mobile app is available in the app stores for iOS and Android phones, along with other MilkCrate apps that help organizations better reach their program participants. If you are involved in a program or an organization that would like to engage and support your community - let us know! We would be thrilled to arrange a free demo of how our platform works and see how we can be of help building your organization’s app.

Morgan Berman